TBT: Sadie’s first show

Sadie was in the summer of her 3yo year (2010) when I took her to her first show. There was a great little benefit show a short trailer ride away that had something called Hunter Versatility. If you’ve never seen it, it’s kind of like a trail class meets really tiny jumps meets a flat class. To start you were to lead your horse in the ring and mount at the block, then there was an obstacle portion that included walking over small logs, a little bridge lined with flowers, an L of poles, a figure 8, etc then you walked across the road and jumped a couple of little x-rails and logs. Then you came back into the field for a little w/t/c flat class that also required you to back up and stand still. Maybe it was a bit of a challenge for a first show but it was super low key and laid back so I figured even if she lost her mind it wouldn’t be a big deal.

True to Sadie form she arrived, took one look around, and buried her head in her hay. I hopped on a few minutes before her class and w/t/c around the warm-up but she seemed pretty chill so we just hung out after that and waited for her class.

Hangin out getting belly scratches
In the warmup. Yes her eyes are closed. Wild baby horse.
Scrawny 3yo neck wasn’t adorable then but it’s kinda awkwardly cute now
Starting our course at the mounting block. Crookedly.
And away we go
Half circle of logs, with the scarecrow hiding on the tree. You can see the little bridge in the background.
figure 8 through the flowery pillars
Diving sideways over the scary crossrail
Our faces are on point in the halt
Pats for a good girl
Still my favorite picture of her ever

1stshow4 1stshowpro3  1stshowpro5

She won her class with an 80%. Really cool and successful first experience for a baby! I wish they still had more of these kinds of shows, it was the only time I’ve done anything like it, but what a fun change of pace from the norm.


24 thoughts on “TBT: Sadie’s first show

  1. That sounds like a lot of fun! I wish I could enter Archie in something like that because I think the variety would be enough to keep him engaged. Are there points off for screaming? Also: love the breeches.


  2. she is such a nice looking mare! definitely sounds like a fun class. we’re having something similar at my barn in two weeks (tho i think it’s just trail obstacles, not sure about any mini jumps), but it conflicts with another show that’s a bit more relevant to my interests… boo


  3. I think we were at that show too… I definitely know the venue. It’s sad they don’t do shows anymore there – it was a very nice facility!


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