
USEA members might spot a familiar Henny face in their mailbox this month! US Eventing magazine asked if I’d be interested in writing about life as an amateur eventer on a budget, and I happily jumped at the chance. Behold my new column: Beyond 9-5.

Although, it’s funny, I write here 5 days a week without having to put a lot of effort into it, most of the time words just flow (it’s not verbal diarrhea since it’s typed, so what would we call it, finger diarrhea? Ok, maybe not…). Writing the column was significantly more difficult. It felt more formal and more serious, being in print. Around here I’m anything but formal or serious. Hopefully it gets a little easier as it evolves and I find my groove, just like the blog did. I’m currently trying to figure out what topic I want to cover next. Tack/equipment shopping on the cheap, tent camping, DIY trailer fixer-upping (pretend that’s a word), dyeing tack, etc? I should probably go back through my blog and see what all I’ve done. Anything in particular amidst my years of shenanigans that sticks out to you guys as a good next topic?

I also have to give props to US Eventing magazine in general. I’ve always really liked flipping through it, but over the past year they’ve really amped up the breeding and young horse development articles and I’m loving it. This one in particular really grabbed my attention in this issue:

Might be slightly biased (ahem) but I have to say I agree.

Speaking of everyone’s favorite 73% thoroughbred, I have some pretty exciting Presto news to share tomorrow (hopefully. if things keep going well. knock on wood.). Look what he made yesterday!!!

Ok so it wasn’t fresh anymore by the time the picture was taken so it’s kinda dried out already, but look at that REAL POOP. Not a puddle, not a patty, but legit normal poop!

Nope, I’m not even a little sorry for putting a poop pic on my blog.

50 thoughts on “Published!

  1. Yay for your new writing job!
    Yay for (hopefully) awesome Presto news and double yay for solid poop!!
    Well done, Amanda and Presto for your achievements. 🙂


  2. I am joining! Just to follow you my friend. And plus i delved on the website and there is a lot of cool resources even for those of us who will never get about starter level 🙂 CONGRATS!! (And let’s not mention diarrhea ever again kay??) 🙂


  3. Congratulations on the publishment! It always feels amazing to have your work out there in print. Any update on taking Uncle Skeeter home?


    1. I told the vet that if he finds himself in need of a home, he has one. 😉 I don’t really know how that works though, if horses get abandoned at the clinic? How long do they wait, what do they typically do with them, etc? No clue.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’d say until they find themselves a new home, which I’m thinking Ole Skeet has done. I mean, come on, you can’t deny him when he’s passed the 9 rings of SadieSmash and lived to see the other side.

        On an unrelated note, do you have any insider info on the eventing scene in California? Your article has me really inspired, and I’d love to give it a shot, but I’m not sure where to start.


          1. I’ll be moving there this summer, to a city called Visalia, from Michigan. Any bloggers you would suggest?? Anything helps! I’ll be doing some more research soon, but I’ve mostly found H/J barns around, and a really cool horse park about an hour away in Paso Robles.


                1. Welcome (in advance) to the Central Valley. I don’t event or follow many eventers but I do live about 30 minutes north of Visalia, in the Fresno area. The Fresno Horse Park (previously known as Ram Tap) holds regular events, so you may want to check out their limited website for upcoming stuff.

                  Liked by 1 person

                  1. Thank you!! Yay, someone close! You have to tell me, how do you people ride in the summer time?!? About 85 is my limit, I can’t handle much more.


  4. Most ridiculouse Happy for Real poop dance done by me in the office just happened. Luckily only witeness by my poor dog.
    oh and yes congrats on being in the US Eventing magazine

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I think #PrestoPoop needs to be a thing along with #SadieSmash. 😉 Hooray for the wonderful picture! I think your new column is awesome and I’m just thrilled for you. Wish I was a USEA member so I could read it, but your blog will have to be treat enough.


  6. Nice poo Presto!

    Congrats on the article! Is there any way for a non-eventer who lives in a non-eventing area to get to read it? I’ve honestly never even seen the magazine since my area is all HJ and western.


  7. That is the most beautiful little pile of poo I’ve ever seen!
    Soooo happy little Presto is recovering and pooping solid :D. Hope he keeps it up and can go home soon.
    And CONGRATS on your column! Just be yourself and you’ll do great.


  8. Congrats on both parts!! I think the truck tent should be your next one – it’s one of the biggest money savers for showing that you’ve shared!


  9. Congrats and also good to see the poop. I have friends at the barn who are also following Presto’s recovery as relayed by me. They will be pleased with the poop report and all of them would like to see the Cushings horse have a home with you and with Presto. (no pressure!)


  10. Honestly not sure which is more exciting, the column or the poop, but woooooo! Congratulations on both!

    Topics I think would be interesting:
    – maintaining fitness on an already overcrowded schedule
    – show planning math – finances & time off schedules
    – water cooler conversations with coworkers and how to realistically & thoughtfully explain what you do for fun


  11. Sorry, I’m super behind on blog reading…
    Congrats on getting published! That’s so exciting. I definitely think you should write about truck camping, I found all of that really interesting when you told us about it.
    So happy about Presto! That’s a nice little poo pile!


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