Blogger Secret Santa 2020

I haven’t even shipped my box to my SS recipient yet (still waiting on one last thing – hopefully this weekend) so I’m feeling very inadequate as a gifter over here, because my own SS gift already arrived! Michelle (Cruisen in Stilettos … I have a lot of Michelle’s in my life…) is seriously on top of things in a way that I most definitely am not. And at first I was like maybe I’ll wait until Christmas to open this, but then… nah. Nah like I didn’t even make it all the way to my house, it got opened in the barn. I am who I am.

First of all, peppermints as packing material is a legit choice. Very smart. Henry has had a few already. Presto has too, although he can’t decide how he feels about them. He eats it, says it’s yucky, and then eats another one. Who knows with that kid.

There were also human treats in the form of chocolate, which maybe I’ve already eaten half of one. Maybe. It’s possible.

There were even “future treats” (clearly she understands me and my bunch – we’re all highly food motivated) although I have a major black thumb when it comes to plants, so I will be recruiting the SO to grow these for me. He has a couple planters of veggies and peppers that he manages to coax to life, so now he can grow me some goth carrots too. Very fitting at the goth farmhouse.

Oh yeah btw all this stuff was individually wrapped but I didn’t take a picture of that because I was too busy opening things. I told you I like presents.

The main item was this super cute pin from Forge Hill

the little bag is even in Henry’s XC colors!

It’s totally Henry and Presto. Grumpy Henry face and WANNAPLAY Presto face. I thought that immediately, before I even opened the card…

And I only have one stock pin, which I don’t really love, so this is great. It totally looks like both boys!

I know I’m a tough one to shop for, and even more so now that I have the tiny house/no space factor, but Michelle did a great job. I love everything and am so delighted that it all came from local and small businesses to boot. Thank you so much Michelle! And also many thanks to Alberta Equest for being willing to take the reins from Tracy and host the Blogger SS for us this year.

To my own recipient, sorry you got me, I’m hurrying I swear.

8 thoughts on “Blogger Secret Santa 2020

  1. I missed SS too. I didn’t find the blog post until after the deadline. I love doing it, so I’m bummed, but there’s always next year.

    Looks like your gift was very tiny house friendly and you and the horses should have some delicious snacks both now and in the future.


  2. Awwwww, count me in on totally missing the SS swap. Maybe we should do a happy new year just because gift swap too?

    That pin is so charming and so perfect for your two boys!


  3. Love that pin! It is totally Henry and Presto LOL! I never saw a post anywhere about the blogger gift exchange either. I don’t seem to get Tracy’s blog in my feed any longer (if she is still hosting). Ah well, I will enjoy everyone else’s posts!


  4. Gah I’m so sorry so many people missed it!! I know I don’t have a ton of followers so it was a risk hosting it when Tracey declined, but I had hoped the few that did would catch it! Next year!

    What great gifts!!


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